By developing new, leaner systems, they are able to offer lower payment prices to merchants. Meanwhile, banks lose their ability to differentiate since payments can take place globally without depending on the banking connection. Numerous reasons exist for new entrants to think about participating in the payment value chain. From our point of view, value-adding contributions could include using digital technology to speed up merchants’ checkout processes, streamlining and simplifying merchants’ payment processes to reduce both internal and external costs. To counter this, banks generally see mobile payments as a defensive tactic.
Technology providers offer a variety of technologicalsupport solutions to create value for M-payment consumers. They are important intermediaries, as they are pioneers in technology-led development. While convenience is even less of a priority it would certainly encourage adoption, aided by rewards schemes. weblink
UK Finance’s report also breaks down mobile payment adoption in the country by age group to give a generational overview of the mobile transition. A study by McKinsey found that average digital adoption rates across Europe rose from 81% to 94% during the pandemic, accounting for up to three years of growth. They also found that more than 70% of European consumers plan to use digital services as much or more after the pandemic subsides. In China, over 87% of smartphone users ages 14 and older used mobile devices for point-of-sale purchases. In the Democratic Republic of Congo , G4S struggled to pay its security staff who were spread around the country. Local supervisors would head to remote areas to pay staff with cash face-to-face, which was a huge security risk to them and their employees.
Eventually, you want to check out and the amount to pay is calculated at the cash register. By using your mobile device the amount is confirmed, transferred to the merchant’s bank account through electronic transmission and all loyalty rewards are directly credited to your account. In a more advanced scenario you could scan the product with your mobile device and the payment would be completed right in front of the shelf. No need to reach for your wallet or to sign a receipt, all banking and loyalty cards are stored on your mobile device, eliminating timeconsuming delays at the cash register. Seconds later you receive an email receipt with all details together with a coupon offering a rebate on your next visit.
Increasing account ownership and usage will require trust in financial service providers, confidence to use financial products, tailored product design, and a strong and enforced consumer protection framework. A decade ago, experts predicted that banks would lose ground on payment services as telecom companies achieved the same outcome using their billing mechanisms. Today the landscape has become even more complex and a variety of new players have entered the fray. Google, PayPal, Facebook, Apple and others are turning their sights on the target of replacing cash, debit cards and other forms of payment with software-based approaches running on mobile devices. Consumers were now prioritizing contactless payments as people were less than enthusiastic about paying with cash and/or wiping down their cards with hand sanitizer. Merchants were suddenly encouraging users to use contactless methods, which mobile offered.